This Learning Opportunity will cover the material presented in the assigned readings from Chapters 1-4 and in all class meetings. You will have 50 minutes to complete the Learning Opportunity. As a reminder, I expect that you will not use any outside sources on your learning opportunity and you will be required to use Respondus LockDown Browser (which prevents you from visiting other sites) and Monitor (which requires your webcam) while completing your Learning Opportunity. Any evidence of consulting outside sources (including, but not limited to, books, any internet materials, class materials, notes, or other students) will result in a score of 0 on the Learning Opportunity.
Remeber: Your score on this Learning Opportunity is *NOT* indicative of your worth as a person.
This course may require the use of Respondus LockDown Browser and a webcam for online exams. A description of the services and the terms of use will be presented to students within LockDown Browser upon launch of the software. Students agree that they may be recorded by the software during the exam session, and that the course instructors or other appropriate individuals at Baylor University may have access to and may review such recording. Students further understand that if the results of a review support an allegation of academic dishonesty, the course work in question as well as any supporting materials may be submitted to the Honor Council for investigation and further action. If an inappropriate event unrelated to the test is accidentally recorded, students may request that the video be deleted by contacting the ITS Help Desk.